Monday, October 20, 2008

Fools for Christ

I came across this wonderful passage in Isaiah 35. It may be familiar to you because part of it is a worship song.

It's Isaiah 35:10 - but what struck me was a couple of verses prior to that, in verse 8. Isaiah is talking about a road to Zion, to God. Today we know that that way is Jesus Christ. Isaiah calls it "the Way of Holiness" in the beginning of the verse. Now listen to the rest:

"...the unclean hall not pass over it. It shall belong to those who walk the way; even if they are fools they shall not go astray..."

You walk on this way when you listen to and then rely and trust in the goodness of Jesus Christ, not your own. In our father Adam we walked away from God. In our new father Jesus, all the bad we deserve He got, and all the good He deserves we got.

But I really like that last phrase. Sometimes I really feel like a fool. I want to live this new life Jesus has given to me but I blow it. Sometimes it seems I walk more like Adam than Jesus. But slowly God is changing me from the inside out. Deep down I really am a good person, thanks to Jesus in me. But when I am a fool, this verse (and many others) give me the security to know that God has me on His road and I will not fall off of it.

God is more powerful than me. He holds me in His hands. He is guiding me to Him. I'm so glad God doesn't need a GPS to keep me on the road of holiness.

Pastor Tom

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