Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Whose Work Is It Anyway?

Do you remember the story of Abraham's servant going to get a wife for his son Isaac?

It's a pretty cool story. As the servant arrives at the well at Nahor he prays "O Lord, God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today." (Genesis 24:12)

He asks for some pretty specific signs that the woman is the one God has chosen for Isaac - and the prayer is answered!

I've sometimes thought, wouldn't it be cool if we could ask for signs like that and that wherever we went God would guide us. Now I'm not saying that God wouldn't do that but I thought of one interesting aspect to this story that might inform us as we want God to answer our requests in the way he did this servant's.

The difference is that this guy got nothing out of it except the satisfaction that he was doing his master's bidding. He was a servant sent on a mission by his master. Is that not us as well? The Bible tells us that we are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). When we go out we are doing our master's bidding and do we really get anything out of it except the satisfaction of knowing we are bringing glory to God?

Food for thought.

Pastor Tom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pastortom: I got your blog from GThe Preacher's fishing hole - Steve and I have corresponded somewhat and I have enjoyed his posts. I look forward to reading yours as well.

I was saved at CCCM in 1972 and currently pastor in Oklahoma.

Grace and peace...