Monday, April 07, 2008

Who Are You Afraid Of?

If you have read the Bible very much you know Jesus' famous statement about fearing God more than man (Matthew 10:28). But have you ever thought about fearing God and fearing man?

I bring this up after reading Genesis 12 where Abram has just believed God and gone to the Promised Land. That land didn't hold much promise for him then and a famine forced him to go to Egypt. There Abram decided that because Sarai was so good looking he would say she was his sister not his wife.

That got Abram, Sarai, and Pharaoh into a lot of trouble.

And I wonder. Abram feared God but he also feared man. Many times we get the fear God part right and we want to do what pleases God, but then we end up fearing man and wanting to look good in the world's eyes as well.

Had Abram been honest and not cared what the Egyptians felt he would have risked a lot as the Egyptians could have killed Abram and taken Sarai. But it would have provided a great opportunity for Abram to not only fear God but also trust him to protect his family and also get glory.

Pastor Tom

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