Monday, June 04, 2007

Youth = Wisdom?

Let's face it. We live in a culture dominated by youth ideals. Everyone wants to be young or act young or do and buy the things that young people do or buy. This actually started back in the 60's when a generation of American youth decided that anyone over 30 should not be trusted. It has hurt our country and has permeated the church. But it really began much much earlier.

In 2 Chronicles 10 Rehoboam, Solomon's son, has taken over the throne of Israel. The people come and complain that Solomon's taxes were too burdensome. So Rehoboam has a decision to make. First he went to the old men who had served his father. They told him to be kind to the people and they will serve him forever. That was probably good advice as the taxes needed to build the Temple were no longer needed.

Regardless, Rehoboam rejected that counsel "and took counsel with the young men who had grown up with him" (2 Chronicles 10:8). These young men suggested an even harsher way of ruling than Solomon. That should have clued Solomon in right there that there was a problem. Often times the folly of youth is that no matter what way is right, doing things a different way than a previous generation is mandatory.

There are times when a young person has great wisdom, and there are times when a more mature person is a jerk. The lesson is that we should by no means cast out the wisdom of the mature, and we should by all means test the advice we receive based on the character of God.

Pastor Tom

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