Thursday, June 07, 2007

Will Anyone Miss You?

Today I want to talk about Jehoram. Jerhoram was king over Judah after Jehoshaphat, who was a good king who followed the Lord and brought the people back into Yahweh worship. Jehoram was the anti-Jehoshaphat.

Jehoram had a bunch of younger brothers his fathered loved and lavished with gifts. He killed them all. Jehoshaphat did not seek the Baals but sought God. Jehoram not only sought the Baals but forced Judah to do the same. Jehoshaphat prayed to the Lord and saw victory. Jehoram abandoned God and saw defeat. He was a horrible leader and king.

What I wanted to point out was how his life ended. It was pretty horrible - basically the Lord struck him with a disease and his bowels came out. Yuck! So then he died and look at this: "And he departed with no one's regret" (2 Chronicles 21:20). Wow.

It got me to thinking. What actions and attitudes do we have now that will form opinions of us when we are gone. Hopefully unlike Jehoram, we are serving God and seeking to be transformed into His image. I hope that when we die that people will regret it because of the good things God did through us and how those things positively affected other lives. What will people say about you after you are gone? Just something to think about.

Pastor Tom

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