Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Making Heart Decisions

I noticed something in Exodus 28 about Aaron's priestly garments. It says something to me about leadership in the body of Christ and our responsibility as Christians to hold one another up.

Aaron had three things next to his heart: stones that represent the 12 tribes of Israel, the Urim and the Thummim, and the the breastpiece of judgment. The idea was that he was to remember these three things as he came before the Lord.

Now I don't want to spiritualize this beyond reason, but it does bring to mind three things. As we come before God we should remember that we were judged for sin, but that payment for that judgement was born by our Savior Jesus Christ. This keeps us humble.

We should remember that all decisions for our lives belong to Him, not to us. This keeps us dependent on Him.

And we should always remember our fellow brothers and sisters to lift them up in prayer. This keeps us "other focused."

Humble, dependent, loving towards others. Hey, that's the character of God! How about that.

Pastor Tom

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