Friday, September 08, 2006

Jesus Was Unimpressive

Quick - think about a visual picture of what Jesus looked like when He walked the earth. You probably pictured a man in his early thirties with flowing brown locks, a long, gently-featured face and a winning smile with flashing blue eyes.

Even if you can't picture what Jesus looked like you probably have the idea that He was kind of a super human - the best and pinnacle of human nature in all characteristics. I'm not really sure that's true actually.

Isaiah gives us a look forward to what Jesus was like in an amazing chapter 53.

"He had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him."

If you had seen Jesus in a crowd you would not have noticed Him (unless He did a miracle of course). If you were choosing teams you wouldn't have even wanted Him on yours. In fact, when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus they were so surprised when He revealed Himself that they fell backwards.

Isaiah goes on: "He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces."

Don't get me wrong - Jesus is God and in His glory He is the most incredible being ever. But rather than thinking of Jesus on earth as looking like a movie star, think of Him as the Joe Everyone. Not only that but He was one to be pitied.

"Yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities."

Everyone can approach Jesus. He has chosen to place Himself in the lowest place and to take upon Himself all that is evil and should be despised in you so that you can have eternal peace and joy.

Isaiah 51:6 ...but my salvation will be forever and my righteousness will never be dismayed."

Pastor Tom


Anonymous said...

So Jesus was ugly? Why is he then always represented as a sort of Goldilocks? Isn't that hyprocritical?

Bobby said...

The interpretations we see of Jesus are man-made interpretations. There is no physical description of Jesus in the Bible... what you see in popular culture is the WORLD'S view of what Christ looks like. In fact, I was under the assumption that he was some sort of GQ cover model guy until I got saved last year. He was probably at best, "average." I'm sure if he were walking the earth right now and put his picture up on it would rank no better than a 5. I could be wrong, because I wasn't there, but it would stand to reason that he wasn't a real good looking guy, considering the fact that he humbled himself so much by the way he lived and died.

Unfortunately, it's part of our terrible human nature for us to assume that because he is Lord that he must automatically fit the world's measure of vanity.