Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Thinking Right

Isaiah 11:3-4
3 And his delight shall be in the fear of the LORD.
He shall not judge by what his eyes see,
or decide disputes by what his ears hear,
4 but with righteousness he shall judge the poor,
and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; ESV

It's hard to imagine actually delighting in the fear of the Lord. Fearing the fear of the Lord, now that's more like it. Accepting it, even embracing it, but actually delighting? But that's just what this verse in Isaiah says-and it is a prophecy about the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

The fear of the Lord is many things, but when I read this verse it prompted me to think about taking God into account. We like to think that our thoughts and reasoning skills are up to almost any task. Given enough time and information and we'll figure out most things.

I think the verses that follow show us that we cannot really hope to do that apart from God. Even the most perfect human that ever lived: Jesus Christ, had to rely on the fear of the Lord to do what was right. It wasn't that He might have made a mistake, but it shows that He was completely human and like we have to, He had to trust in the Spirit to make all decisions.

It's easy for us to listen and watch and decide things. How often do we take the time to ask God and then look into His Word as a guide to how we should think?

Pastor Tom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw your blog ( and heard some of your sermons on Google ( We were wondering if you debate? Dr. Robert Sungenis is going to be out west in the next few months and would like to see if you or another member of Calvary Chapel would like to debate us.

Please contact me ONLY at if you are interested. We can then move on to topic, format, etc.

Thank you, look forward to hearing from you.

Chris Campbell
Promotions Director, Catholic Apologetics International

(tried to email you, mail bounced back-could not access your church site)