Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Christian EULA

In studying Luke 9 I came across an interesting series of situations and statements by Jesus that led me to what I call the "Christian End User License Agreement." If you've ever installed a piece of computer software then you've encountered a EULA. It's that series of statements you have to agree with in order to install.

Well, Jesus says to "take up our cross daily" and follow Him. We should understand what we're getting ourselves into as disciples of Jesus. And this chapter helps us.

The whole study can be found on our website: - just look for Luke 9:1-36. But I've been asked to reprint them here, and I also have a link to a printable Word document as well.

The Christian EULA

Principal 1: I agree to go where Jesus says and do what He says using His power

Principal 2: I will not try to harmonize what I do with the world around me

Principal 3: When Jesus asks me to do something I am not capable of, I won’t try to solve the problem in my own way, but by tapping into His resources.

Principal 4: I will always recognize Jesus as the Lord of my life and my situation.

Principal 5: I will willingly lay down my life to Jesus and let Him raise it up again in newness of life each day.

Principal 6: I acknowledge that all this obedience, pain, misunderstanding, trial, and transformation ends in something incredibly wonderful.

Pastor Tom

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