Tuesday, February 06, 2007

When Power Goes To Our Heads

I'm reading along in Leviticus all about the incredibly beautiful and symbolic clothing worn by Aaron and his sons, and about the ceremonies that accompanied their introduction into service as the priests of Israel. It's all very symbolic and stately, until I get to chapter 10.

It says that Nadab and Abihu, two of Aaron's sons, right after this incredible ceremony commissioning them as priests "each took his censer and put fire in it and laid incense on it and offered unauthorized fire before the LORD."

Needless to say, they got a rather "heated" reaction from the Lord, who killed them with fire that came out from His presence. I don't want to focus on just what the thing was that they did wrong in this space. Suffice to say that the operative word here is "unauthorized." Somehow they thought that their office as priests made them more important than the One who ordained them as priests.

That can happen to us as well. As we "step out for God" and see Him do amazing things through us. sometimes we start getting the mistaken idea that it was because of us that these things happen. It is very subtle and happens over a period of time, but it is pride and focuses on self, not on God. You could call this unauthorized fire.

Now I'm not saying that fire will come out from the Lord and consume us, but I am saying that we should always watch the spirit with which we offer service to the Lord. And we must always keep in mind that He is the One calling the shots and doing the work, and getting the glory. We are simply along for the ride.

Pastor Tom

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