Thursday, February 08, 2007

Do What's Right

Sounds pretty simple, huh? Perhaps too simple. But that's what I noticed reading Leviticus 19. Sure, there are some strange things in there about not rounding the hair on the your head or marring your beard, but by and large the message is clear - do the right thing (sorry, Dr. Laura).

If you read this blog before you know that I believe we are incapable to doing the right thing apart from the blood of Jesus washing away our sins then filling us with the Holy Spirit who transforms us into His image.

Given that, then, I think we should approach each situation in life with the principals God has outlined here, and ask the Holy Spirit to write them on our hearts.

Love God before anything else
Love your family and live your life so that it honors them
Treat the people around you fairly - pay them what you owe
When someone comes along that for some reason is at a disadvantage, don't use that for your gain - treat them fairly too.

God gives us a conscience - use it - and let His Word guide you when your conscience doesn't. Most of the time we really do know what the right, just, and fair thing is; our problem is doing it because it fights against our fleshly desire to get more for us.

Pastor Tom

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