Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Finding God's Pefect Will

I've heard a lot of Christians express a desire to find God's "perfect" will in a situation. They use Romans 12:2 as their text: "Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."

They say that there is one way that God has designed for us to act or one decision that is "perfect" with all others being less then perfect. It describes following God like going down a railroad track. If you don't hear God right and get off the track even a little bit, you are no longer following God's perfect will.

I would like to challenge that, based on the exact verse most people quote.

Look at the beginning of that verse. It says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

First of all, I think we put God in a box if we think he has only one agenda and if we don't get on the same page then we are missing that agenda and God is displeased with us. A pastor once said "if God can't use our mistakes he wouldn't have anything to work with."

Even the Apostle Paul wasn't perfect. He tried to go places and God told him "no." He tried again and God told him "no" again.

God is bigger than your inability to hear him right the first time.

The real key to understanding this verse is to focus on the first part first, that is that we are in the process of being renovated. "Don't think like the world anymore," Paul says, "but be transformed." We need a thinking transplant. And that's exactly what the Holy Spirit does.

The more you enjoy your relationship with God, read and study his word, pray, fellowship, and walk with him through trials - learning to trust him more than yourself - the more you will start thinking like him and that's when you start being able to "test" and "approve" of what God would do in your shoes.

Pastor Tom

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