Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tired of Walking Around Jericho

Joshua 6:15 "On the seventh day they rose early, at the dawn of day, and marched around the city in the same manner seven times."

If you were one of the men who got up on that day, and Joshua your leader told you to walk around the city of Jericho seven times - round about turn number three wouldn't you start to get a little impatient?

"Why can't we just go in and conquer the city now?" you might think. Then after the next time around you really might to start to tire and think "I won't have any strength left to fight and do God's work because I've spent all this time walking in circles!"

As you probably know, after the seventh time they blew the trumpets and God blew down the walls of the city and they destroyed it.

What "city" are you waiting to be conquered - what problem looms up against you that seems impossible? Has God told you to pray and to seek Him and to wait for His answer? You pray once and that seems like the right thing. You pray and wait again and that's okay. Right about prayer number three you begin to get a little impatient and you wonder why God couldn't have just answered the first time.

Yet another prayer and another day of waiting for God's wisdom and God moving and you think all of your strength has been used up praying and seeking when you could have just solved the problem yourself.

So what's the answer? When you find yourself getting impatient, remember that Israel had to walk around seven times - the number of completeness. God knows the right time to wait. He knows how long it will take to get His wisdom in you. He knows just the right time to answer. Trust Him. Wait for Him. Walk for Him.

Besides, a little exercise never hurt anyone!

Pastor Tom


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the Lord asks us to do some things that we don't understand; even things we might think are foolish or silly. But in His economy it makes perfect sense; so we are to believe and act no matter what we may think, trusting in Him. So we patiently wait...

Anonymous said...

Hope you are enjoying the conference...

Tom Fuller said...

Didn't get to go this year, but Steve H is there - he'll fill me in on what's up!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!