Thursday, June 19, 2008

Have It Your Way

Science has shown us that the mind is an amazing thing. It is self-justifying. In other words, what your mind wants to do it will find a way to justify. That's how Hitler could kill millions of Jews - his mind was able to justify the action.

Saul, king of Israel, employed some justification too for sinning. In 1 Samuel 13 he was supposed to wait seven days for Samuel to arrive and perform the sacrifice. When Samuel didn't come Saul performed it anyway.

When Samuel came on the scene he said "what have you done?" Saul then launched into this big defense, saying that the people were scattering, you didn't come, the Philistines are upon us and I need to give a nod to God.

In Saul's mind these were four reasons or justifications for not doing what God had commanded.

Samuel simply answered "You have done foolishly."

Do you ever find yourself finding reasons that you should not obey God? They might sound pretty reasonable to you. Just remember that the mind is a self justifying thing. Don't use your own thoughts as viable reasons. Use instead the objective command of God.

Pastor Tom

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