Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Lost and Found

Have you ever lost something of great value? Most of the time you know it and you search frantically for it with that sick feeling in your stomach. But what if you lost something of tremendous worth and knew it not?

That's the position Israel and its king find themselves in. 2 Kings 23 finds Israel on the heels of the absolute worst king ever - completely evil and worse than the evil nations around them. A new king comes to power: Josiah. Josiah sends his staff to the Temple to find out what happened to the money given for the upkeep of the structure.

When there the men discover a book - but not just any book, but the Book of the Law. This book, God's Word, is carried very gingerly to King Josiah, because it contains the failings of the kings and the nation and God's retribution against those sins.

Josiah reacts correctly: 2 Kings 22:11 "And when the king heard the words of the Book of the Law he tore his clothes."

He repented and God relented and said he would spare Josiah from seeing the destruction and discipline planned for Israel.

So are you without something of great value to you and you don't know it? Perhaps for you, like Josiah, it is God's Word. Without the washing of His Word we too can drift off into sin. Also like Josiah, we should rediscover the book, blow off the dust, and let the words wash over us. Yes there might be hard words to hear, but they are also words of life and of great value.

Pastor Tom

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