Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Needs of Jesus

In Luke 22:14 Jesus said "I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer."

It is the night before His arrest, trial, and crucifxion. I don't think we contemplate often enough the humanity of Jesus Christ - preparing to endure what no man has ever had to endure - betrayal, arrest, conviction, crucifixion - then the weight of all the sins of the world and the withdrawl of the Father.

But before that happened, Jesus was anxious and looking forward to one last meal with His disciples - why? I think it was part for fellowship. The road Jesus would walk would be very lonely - no man has ever been down that path and thanks to Jesus will never have to. He also did it for the significance. The Passover is God's picture of the sacrifice of Jesus and here the Lord gets a chance to give His men a concrete thing to use in understanding what Jesus did and also something to continually remind them of His sacrifice (communion).

I just think it's important for us not to lose sight of the fact that Jesus was a man, with human emotions, feelings, and needs. That last night was something Jesus the man needed - and got.

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