Thursday, May 04, 2006

Satan's Power

I'm reading the book of Job right now. I know, depressing you say. Yes - that's true. But even Job has some good things to say. I noticed right away in the first chapters that when Satan comes before the Lord and asks to try Job that his power is limited.

It reveals to us what Satan can and cannot do - all with God's permission of course.

Satan can - cause physical objects to harm, even kill others (the house falling down on Job's kids), he can incite humans to commit violent acts in specific instances (the Sabean raiders). It seems he has some limited ability to manipulate natural phonemena (like "fire from God"), and even cause physical disease.

It doesn't mean we should fear Satan - he is really in the end only a pawn. But we should not underestimate him either.

The great news is that Satan was defeated by Jesus Christ!

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