Thursday, April 19, 2007

Food For the Journey

Elijah was having a great day followed by a terrible day. In 1 Kings 18 we see one of the high points of the war against God's enemies as Elijah sets up an altar and the priests of Baal set up their altar and God sends down fire from heaven on Elijah's altar and nothing happens to the one put up by the priests of Baal - proving which god was the real God.

But right after than Elijah is threatened by Jezebel and he runs away. Not only that, but Elijah is so afraid that he basically lays down under a broom tree and gives up. Here is the mighty prophet of God afraid of a woman and telling God to kill him.

But something interesting happens to Elijah while under that tree. He is not done with his pity party and not finished questioning God and his role. But we see the compassion and understanding of God while Elijah is on his journey.

Twice an angel appears to Elijah and encourages him to eat. The food and water appear supernaturally and the angel says he should eat because "the journey is too great for you." God is helping Elijah not to die, but to survive and continue his wandering until it is over.

Maybe you are having a hard time with something and are maybe even questioning God and perhaps want to just lay down under a broom tree and die. Know this, that God is watching over you, not judging you, and will actually help you in your quest - not to die - but to know Him more and your relationship to Him.

"Come let us reason together," God says. He encourages the journey because it will ultimately bring you closer to Him.

Pastor Tom

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