Monday, March 12, 2007

Loving What You Hate and Vice Versa

Judges 14:3 "...But Samson said to his father, "Get her for me, for she is right in my eyes." Samson saw something appealing in a Philistine woman - a people God would call him to destroy. How could he love an enemy of God?

You probably know the story of Samson. Israel rebelled against God and so the Philistines oppressed them until they cried out for a deliverer. That person was Samson. But when Samson grew up his first encounter with the Philistines was that he lusted after one of their women. This woman later became a real snare to him (not Delilah, that comes later).

It took this incident and others to show Samson who the enemy was. For those of us who call on Jesus as Lord and Savior, sometimes the world around us appears very attractive. We see the success of others, the appeal of beauty and sensual pleasure or the power of money and fame. Sometimes it takes a real taste of that to see how much of enemy to your spiritual life these things can be.

Now I am not suggesting that you live in sin in order to know God better. But I think it is sometimes true that the bitter taste we get from trying to be satisfied with the world can lead us to our true mission: to put to death the deeds of the flesh.

Think back on the true results of sinful behavior. Paul in Galatians 6 says that if you sow to the flesh you will from the flesh reap corruption, or death. Look beyond the shiny appearance and see the slavery and death that await you. Learn from Samson and identify your enemies early.

Pastor Tom

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