We have just watched a beautiful sunset on our last night here in Kenya. God has been so good. Our sickness of the past few days has left us, thanks to the Cipro and many many prayers. We are finishing this work strongly.
On Tuesday we visited a small church in Mayanja pastored by Evans Mututa. They have a very large and exuberant worship and praise team and we enjoyed ourselves greatly. Both Margaret and I shared from the Word with them and they seemed very appreciative. Our host, Gideon, scaled back our schedule for that day so we could gain back our strength.
We also had the opportunity to present Pastor Gideon with his laptop that was donated by some folks in our body. He was so appreciative and caught on right away (he is very technically savvy). We had put a free Office and Bible Study program on the laptop and he was busy figuring out how to use it. He plans to use a car battery and an inverter to run the laptop from his house (remember he has no electricity).
Wednesday was a busy but very fruitful day. We went back to Kitale to speak at a worship symposium of some pastors and worship leaders from Kitale. Margaret shared from Psalm 95 and then Tom shared some insights into worship and how we worshp at Calvary Chapel Newberg. The group seemed appreciative of the encouragement and exhortation to make worship God focused and a sacrifice of praise.
We shopped a little bit in Kitale and lunched at a beautiful spot on the second story of a building looking down on a square. It was truly enjoyable.
After lunch it was off to Tulwet to Pastor Nickson's church. Pastor Nickson was with us during the conference in Busia and for several days after that. He is truly a humble man of God that we have grown very close to. Margaret shared her testimony and ended with Galatians 6 where we should bear one another's burdens.
Tom then shared a special word God had given him the night before from Matthew 11:28-30 encouraging the people to let Jesus be the stronger bull and them be the little bull, letting Jesus bear their burdens. All seemed to enjoy the words spoken by the two of us.
The pastor then asked us to dedicate three babies, which we were glad to do, laying hands on them and praying.
We shared an emotional goodbye with Pastor Nickson and his wife Lynnet and off we went back to Webuye. On the way we enjoyed beautiful scenery and again the great African sunset.
This will likely be our last report. On Thursday we speak at a small Bible school, then enjoy worshp with Evelyn (Gideon's wife) and her worship team. Lord willing we will teach them "With All I Am" in Swahili.
We are going to bring back with us two Swahili worship songs that we can learn both in English and Swahili. We then head to the airport in Kisumu where we fly to Nairobi. We then have a four hour layover and leave for Zurich at 12:20AM on Friday Kenya time.
We thank you so much for your prayers during our trip. We asked that you pray for the Holy Spirit to give us words to speak when we needed it and He has answered those prayers.
Blessings to you and we will see you again this weekend.
Pastor Tom and Margaret
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