Thursday, December 21, 2006

Feel Condemned?

Do you have a hard time recovering from sin? I'm talking to those of us who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. If you don't know him you will never be able to recover from sin - sin being anything that is outside the character of God.

But if you do know him, do you find yourself often feeling under the pile when you fail?

I just want to share some comforting words from the Apostle John: 1 John 3:19 "By this we shall know we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything."

What does God know? He knows that you will fail. But He also knows that your failures have been paid for the blood of His Son Jesus. He also knows that He is in the process of changing you from the inside out. That process does not happen immediately, and often our life in Him is a series of failures, followed by discipline, followed by Holy Spirit empowered change of character.

When we find ourselves not able to accept the fact that God has forgiven us we need to go back to this verse and let Him reassure us that we are no longer condemned - ever. Accept this as truth and move on towards letting God make you more like Him!

Pastor Tom


Unknown said...

There are often times when emotions gets the best of me. I felt there was this fresh touch from the Lord as i read this post of yours.

By the way, i also wanted to wish you Merry Christmas. That this year, you would have a blessed Christmas and happy holidays...

-Narash (Singapore)

Bobby said...

Pastor Tom, I would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas, and thank you for the blog and podcasts. I also pray that in the New Year, you and your congregation will grow in faith and understanding of the Lord. May 2007 be a blessed year not only for your ministry but for all who spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tom Fuller said...

Thank you for your kind words and wishes. It is truly encouraging to see the Lord working in your lives. I also pray for you to have a blessed Christmas and 2007.
