Friday, January 23, 2009

The Two Confused Guys

There's a wonderful story in Luke 24 about two guys who have left Jerusalem and were headed to Emmaus. Three days after the crucifixion they are talking about nothing else. Then this stranger joins them on the road and asks them what all the fuss is about.

They explain about Jesus being crucified and buried, then some unsubstantiated reports that he was alive. Jesus then says to them: "O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!"

And Jesus began what was probably the most wonderful Bible study ever - explaining from Moses and the prophets everything concerning the Messiah.

I just wanted to point out two things from this event. The first is that the guys where genuinely interested in the things of the Rescuer, but were confused how it all fit together. If you are wondering what all the fuss about Jesus is, but confused what it all means and having problems separating out fact from fiction, you are not alone. In fact, I think most people start out their journey trying to understand Jesus a bit confused. That's a ploy of the enemy to keep us from knowing the real truth.

The second thing is what Jesus did, he took them on a journey through the Scriptures and explained it to them. It really does take the Holy Spirit revealing the awesome truth about Jesus to our hearts as we seek to understand Him through the Bible.

My encouragement to us today is that if you feel confused by the Bible, ask the Lord Himself to explain it to you. Don't worry if you don't understand it all, the most important thing is that from Moses through the prophets and on to the book of the Revelation - it's all about Jesus. Just knowing that sets you on the right path every time!

Pastor Tom

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