Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Does God Like To Hurt People?

We read sometimes in the Bible about the wrath of God. We hear in the prophets how God is going to punish this nation and that. We see in the book of the Revelation the lake of fire and all the judgment of God being poured out.

We get the impression that God is angry and that in anger he strikes out against us - like he's just waiting to throw lightning bolts down on us puny humans as soon as we make one tiny little mistake.

If you have had that opinion, I want to share with you a small verse in a small book called Lamentations. You don't often hear verses from this book, penned by Jeremiah as he saw the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian army. This happened because Israel decided they didn't want to remain faithful to their husband, Yahweh. I admit, its not a very "happy" book - thus the name Lamentations.

So check out this verse: 3:31 For the Lord will not cast off forever, but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love; for he does not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men."

God is angry at evil, and he'll do anything to get the evil out of us, even afflict us and bring us into times of difficulty, in order to shower us with his love and his life. God would go so far as to take his own anger against evil upon himself so that you never have to experience it.

He did it on a cross.

Pastor Tom

3:31 For the Lord will

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