Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Who Is With You?

Do you ever feel surrounded by life? You wake up in the morning and go out to get the morning paper and realize that your circumstances are conspiring against you like an army surrounding your house. You despair and are ready to give up.

That's actually just where the Lord wants you. I know it sounds strange, but it is the way He works over and over. Barren women who could not have children did, a land that could not be overthrown was, and lives that could never be redeemed - are.

I'm reminded of the story in 2 Kings 6. Elisha's servant got up one morning to get the paper and saw his city surrounded by a terrible army. He panicked and said "what shall we do?" But Elisha asked God to give him a new perspective - a godly perspective. If you know the story, God opened the servant's eyes and he saw that the army surrounding him was surrounded itself by an army of angels with chariots of fire.

Elisha then said this: "2 Kings 6:16 Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than are with them."

When you feel life surrounding you like an opposing army, realize that if you belong to God through Jesus Christ, there is a much larger army of angels and God's Holy Spirit that will deliver you safely to his kingdom - that nothing can happen to you outside of God's power to redeem - and that He will in fact take care of you and cause all things to work together for the good in your life.

Pastor Tom

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